Health & Safety

General Rules

The health and safety of the hall is based on a risk assessment methodology. This is documented here

  • All exits to be kept free from obstruction at all times.
  • No portable heaters.
  • No naked flames i.e. candles or oil lamps.
  • No explosive or highly inflammable materials to be brought onto the premises.
  • Do not put flammable materials on or near to Hall heaters.
  • Do not prop open fire doors, i.e. Hall to Kitchen.
  • After dark, all exit lights must be lit.

Fire Exits

Fire Procedure

  1. A responsible person should make an announcement to leave the premises by the nearest available exit.
  2. All exit doors should be opened and manned.
  3. Call the Fire Brigade.

Fire Extinguishers

  • The foam-filled extinguisher is located in the Foyer.
  • An electrical extinguisher is located to the Electrics cupboard
  • A foam extinguisher and fire blanket are located on the Kitchen wall.
  • The Annual certification of inspection of the fire extinguishers is displayed on the notice board in the foyer

First Aid

The first aid box is located in the Kitchen.

Food Handlers precautions

See separate page